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Wheat flour is flour obtained from wheat grains, the most popular type of flour used for baking.

Wheat baking flour is divided into granular flour, whole wheat flour, high, first and second grade.

There is rather little gluten (not less than 28%) in high-grade flour (“extra”), it has a pure white color, is used for biscuits, it is often used as a thickener in sauces.

The first-grade flour is used for lean baking, the products made with it are hardened more slowly, this is the main flour for bread baking.

The second-grade flour contains up to 8% of bran, so it is much darker than the first-grade one, it is used for making lean baked products and white bread, and by mixing it with rye flour – for making brown bread.

With the use of whole wheat flour, the so-called “whole-grain products” are baked; due to the bran presence in this flour, the products made with it contain more fiber and B vitamins than those made with higher flour grades.

Rye flour – Raw materials for production – rye, a much more frost-resistant cereal crop than wheat.

The basis of the composition is proteins and carbohydrates, which provides the human body with energy and building material. The total composition of rye flour (100g) is as follows:

  • 9 g of protein;
  • 8 g of carbohydrates;
  • 7 g of fat.

The total calorie content of rye flour is 298 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Also the composition of rye flour includes necessary minerals for the body:

  • Calcium, which is involved in building and supporting the skeleton and in the nervous system function;
  • potassium, required for normal transmission of nerve impulse;
  • iron and magnesium, which promote normal hematogenesis;
  • phosphorus, which ensures the health of bones and cartilage and many other micro- and macro elements.

Different types of rye flour are used for various kinds of baking. They differ in the degree of grinding and the percentage of the bran snips content. Thus, the food industry applies:

  • rye flour of fine grinding – the finest type of grinding. This flour extraction is 60%. This is a well sifted product that does not contain any bran snips and is used for baking rye bread without impurities, as well as gingerbread, pies and other confectionery delights. But, despite the taste, the fineness of the grind and the soft creamy appearance, this variety practically does not contain vitamins.
  • white rye flour – its extraction from raw materials is slightly more than 63-65%. It is the closest analogue to the rye flour of fine grinding in its structure. It is usually used also without impurities from other types of flour. Color – is white, with a creamy or bluish hue. The products made of white rye flour are low in calories. Rye flour contains dietary fiber several times less than in other rye flour varieties, but more than in wheat ones.
  • medium rye flour. After grinding, the extract is 90%. It is on the second place in nutrition and in low gluten content. Due to this, the use of medium rye flour is limited to baking bread, ordinary and choux paste varieties. At home rye flour should be mixed with wheat flour for baking. Otherwise, the dough will not be elastic. The taste and aroma of homemade bread made of this variety is wonderful, and the bread itself is very useful.
  • Whole wheat flour. The coarsest type of grinding, obtained from rye grains that have not been pre-cleaned. It contains 100% of the components of the original grain, as well as the highest percentage of the bran snips. This grade is used together with wheat flour for baking table varieties of It is whole rye wheat flour contains three times more minerals and vitamins than wheat flour. And in terms of fiber content, it exceeds even buckwheat and barley ones. Its color is dark gray, with a brown hue.

The bread made of whole wheat flour should be used to protect the body from high cholesterol and atherosclerosis. No matter how dense and rough these products are, the abundance of fiber in them ensures the normalization of the digestive tract.

Our company offers wholesale of wheat and rye flour. The products are packed in paper bags or sacks.