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Baby Dry Food

Baby Dry Food

Our company offers wholesalers of breastmilk substitutes manufactured on an industrial basis in compliance with the relevant standards to meet the normal nutritional needs of infants aged:
From 3 to 6 months,
From 4 to 6 months,
From 6 to 9 months, and adapted to their physiological characteristics.

The infant formula can also be prepared at home, and in this case it is referred to as a “home-made formula”. For the first time, the infant formula was developed by the Swiss pharmacist Henri Nestle in 1867.
The infant formula can be divided into two major types: dairy and dairy-free ones. Dairy infant formulas based on cow or goat milk are considered to be adapted, that is, animal proteins not easily digested by infants are excluded from their composition.
Dairy-free infant formulas are specially formulated for children with intolerance to casein (cow’s milk protein). Dairy-free infant formula contains the same nutrients as the usual adapted formulas, except for milk whey. It is replaced by an alternative component – soy protein having a high nutritional value, is low allergenic and easily digestible by the immature baby’s digestive system.
Sour-milk and fruit infant formulas are used in baby food as an addition to the usual adapted formula.
We also offer Meat baby food for babies aged from 4-5 months to 1 -1.5 years old (beef, pork, chicken and turkey.
All baby food is from certified manufacturers.
Baby food is packed in cardboard, glass, plastic and tin packaging, depending on the type of food.
Processing methods: pasteurized, sterilized and sublimated, depending on the type of food.